For the LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference visit

[LEADER Reloaded] > Transnational Cooperation > TNC Project Ideas > Valorisation of culinary and dance heritage

Valorisation of culinary and dance heritage

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Title of the proposed project Valorisation of culinary and dance heritage
Brief summary of the project idea Main objective of the project is, through various collaborative actions, to rediscover the knowledge, traditions and skills, related to food and traditional dances as a valuable element of the historic and cultural heritage of a certain territory. Supporting the establishment of a unique local and regional identity, supporting the parallel establishment of a European identity within a large share of the local population, directly (as participants in the activities) or indirectly (as consumer, users), participating in this transnational project, based on many years of EU experience.
Topics/ keywords of the project Valorisation of traditional food and dance. 
Proposed objectives / target group and activities

At least 100 direct participants from each LAG territory.
Indirect beneficiaries of the project will be the entire population of the territories of the two partner LAG, which one way or another will join the project activities and take advantage of its direct results and potential for development and multiplication in the future.

Country and /or kind of partner you are looking for (ALL EU in case the interest is on any EU country) ALL EU
Languages spoken by the LAG staff Bulgarian, English, French
Member State Bulgaria
Region Plovdiv
LAG Name LAG Rakovski
Contact name Maria Gieva
Tel. +359 882949034
LAG Address

4150 Rakovski
5, Bulgaria square



This conference was held from 26-28 September at the Évora Hotel, located in the historic city of Évora.