Jean-Michel Courades born in Navarrenx (Pyrénées Atlantiques) holds a degree from the Institut d’études politiques de Strasbourg and from the Collège d’Europe (Bruges). Between 1983 and 1987, he was head of the department of community life (current «territorial development department») in Lyon. Until 2002, he contributed within the EC as a lawyer to the development and implementation of several european policies. From 2002 to June 2013, he was a political analyst at the EC’s DG AGRI within the horizontal coordination of rural development. He took part in the activities of the European Observatory for Rural Development LEADER+ (2004-2008) and the ENRD (2010-2013). His expertise covers the areas of rural development policy and particularly participatory local development.
Jean-Michel Courades was panelist at the plenary session
This conference was held from 26-28 September at the Évora Hotel, located in the historic city of Évora.